How to Activate the Automatic Parking Assist System in my Cadillac?

To activate the automatic parking assist system in your Cadillac, follow these general steps. Please note that specific instructions may vary depending on the model and year of your Cadillac, so it’s essential to refer to your vehicle’s owner’s manual for precise instructions tailored to your Cadillac’s automatic parking assist system:

  1. Activate the Parking Assist Feature: Start by ensuring that your Cadillac is equipped with automatic parking assist and that the feature is enabled in the vehicle’s settings menu. Use the infotainment system or instrument cluster controls to access the settings menu and locate the parking assist options.
  2. Engage the System: Once the automatic parking assist feature is activated, engage the system by pressing the parking assist button or selecting the parking assist mode through the infotainment system menu. The specific location of the parking assist button may vary depending on your Cadillac model.
  3. Select Parking Mode: Depending on your Cadillac’s automatic parking assist system, you may have the option to choose between parallel parking, perpendicular parking, or both. Use the controls provided to select the desired parking mode based on your parking needs.
  4. Scan for Parking Spaces: Drive slowly in search of an available parking space that meets the requirements for automatic parking assist. The system uses sensors and cameras to detect suitable parking spaces and assist with maneuvering into the space.
  5. Follow On-Screen Instructions: Once the automatic parking assist system identifies a suitable parking space, follow the on-screen instructions and prompts provided by the system. These instructions may include shifting into reverse, releasing the steering wheel, and controlling vehicle speed.
  6. Monitor Surroundings: While the automatic parking assist system assists with parking maneuvers, it’s essential to monitor your surroundings and be prepared to intervene if necessary. Pay attention to obstacles, pedestrians, and other vehicles in the vicinity.
  7. Follow System Guidance: Allow the automatic parking assist system to guide the vehicle into the parking space using steering inputs and braking control. The system may provide audible and visual cues to help you navigate the parking space accurately.
  8. Complete Parking Maneuver: Once the vehicle is properly parked in the designated space, the automatic parking assist system will signal completion of the parking maneuver. Shift the vehicle into park and deactivate the parking assist system.
  9. Review Parking Position: Before exiting the vehicle, review the parking position and ensure that the vehicle is parked securely within the designated parking space. Adjust the position if necessary using manual steering inputs.
  10. Deactivate Parking Assist: After completing the parking maneuver, deactivate the automatic parking assist system by pressing the parking assist button or selecting the appropriate setting in the vehicle’s infotainment system menu.

By following these steps, you can effectively activate and use the automatic parking assist system in your Cadillac to assist with parking maneuvers in various situations. Always refer to your vehicle’s owner’s manual for specific instructions and guidance related to the automatic parking assist feature.

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